Sunday, October 10, 2010

Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us by Linda Christensen

The video is called Disney and the dark manipulation of the young mind  and it relates to the artical we read because in the video the director talks to different profisoals and kids about what they noticed in the disney flims that shows what they want reality to be and not what reality is. Such as one child who was seven said they never saw a black person in the films. Christensen students say something simlar. "A Black Cinderella? Give me a Brake." She wrote "Have you ever seen a black person, an Asian,a Hispanic in a cartoon? Did they have a leading role or were they a servant? What do you think this doing to your child's mind?"

and it true. Maybe not intentional but Disney does either skim over or but people in roles that socity at the time dubs they fit in.  Like at one point they talk about Tarzan and how it focus on  a white man in Aferica and not on the aferican people.  I talked to my mom about that and she said you got to remmber Trazan based off a book written by a white author. So with that one Disney could not really change unless they want to change the entier concept of the book which is a white baby raised by gorilas.  But others I do agree there are message but it also the culter we live in as Carlson but it there a war were waging betwwen new age thinking and the "Father knows best" way of life that soscity is.
I think in recent times since the mid 90's till today Disney has tried to make more a effort like make films like Mulan were a asian girl was the main lead. Or the recent release of Princess and the frong were the lead lady was a black girl. Though I felt it was a ok film it shows that finally Disney is trying to get with the times. It showed not only a bi racela relationship with the leading man being possible hispanic  and the leading lady being black. Maybe they are trying to make up for there ways who knows.

In class I would like to talk about how skin color plays a role in where you fit into a movie and how though unintetional at time I feel. Thighs like Disney movies shape the early years of our children and the soscity they grow up in.


  1. I would also like to discuss color, and the place they decide to put it in movies! You made great points of view in your blog!!!

  2. I think out of all of the links I like you’re the most. It really made me think about what is behind the character. How the song “I wanna be like you” is sung by an African American and could really relate to racism. Then there is the whole idea of Tarzan taking place in a jungle but there are no African Americans around. It would be easy I would guess for the children to relate to the gorillas. Finally the whole Aladdin case is crazy. Why Disney went for fiction instead of the whole truth I will never know

  3. The video was very informative and used great evidence, good find!

  4. I really liked your hyperlink and I used your blog to write up my blog! good job :)
